The Bannerman Castle Trust is pleased to announce the first two scheduled events for 2012: Bannerman Castle Photographic Workshops
The Bannerman Castle Trust offers two different types of Photographic Workshops that take you to the island to use the Castle ruins, the River and Highlands to create images. In both cases the participants will be taken to the Island and supported by Photographic Instructors, Historians and BCT staff.
The first tour would be a daytime shoot where participants would be taken to the island for appx.4 hours to shoot either early or late daylight; times are yet to be determined. Instruction will be informal as there will be a range of skill and interest levels among the participants. The Instructors are there to assist and support your vision so please ask question. The cost is $110.00.
The second tour is an overnight where you arrive around 4PM and stay till 10AM the next day. The basic schedule of events is: arrive at the island and set up a campsite, then a tour of island with Thom Johnson, followed by a presentation from Gabe Biderman and Matt Hill on methods and techniques of night photography. Shooting starts with sunset runs through the night and end the next morning with sunrise. Persons on this adventure need to bring the basics for and overnight; food, proper clothing, sleeping bag etc. The cost for this adventure is: $350.00 for the first time, 2nd time on $250.00. Further info @: ruinism.com/night/Bannerman-castle-night-photography-workshop/
The second event is the Third Annual Chef’s Dinner on Bannerman’s Island:
September 8, 2012 (rain date September 9, 2012)
If you are interested in these events please contact neilcaplan@aol.com
Please watch for more information about upcoming events.