In October 2012 the Bannerman Castle Trust was approached by Maryna Teplova, a teacher of English from Dnipropetrousk, Ukraine. Maryna, who has never been to the island, saw Bannerman Castle on Facebook and
became intrigued with it. She wrote a poem about the island and the castle on it which is posted on a web site called allpoetry.com. Maryna offered to run a poery contest about Bannerman’s Island on allpoetry.
Fourteen poems were submitted for the contest and Maryna asked me (Barbara Gottlock, Volunteer Coordinator for the BCT) to judge them. It was a very difficult thing for me to do as all the poems were unique and well written.
I chose Bannerman’s Call as the winner:
By Marcy Jarvis
Away up the Hudson, at the old Northern Gate
still stands Bannerman’s Castle a-lying in wait
of the funds that are needed to rescue its walls.
Look its way, all you travelers, the train whistle calls.
Cross the shimmering waters, history raises its hue,
not a remnant too short for a Gilded Age view.
Though its arsenal’s empty and its parapets fall,
the beauty of Bannerman’s issues its call.
I’m a victim of trespass, neglect and decay;
it’s been many a year since I’ve seen my heyday
though my honor demands I forever stand tall
Restoration’s begun; will you answer my call?